About the survey:
Male infertility is a disorder that is frequently underreported and underdiagnosed. Infertility
affects both men and women for a variety of reasons. More than a third of cases of infertility
have a male factor. This is due to issues with sperm delivery or production.
Due to the connection between physical health and low sperm quality and the effects of
infertility on male mental health, the "whole man" should be considered during the
assessment. The underlying reason for infertility is the basis for treatment and the effective
ways to treat are drugs and surgery. Depending on the aetiology of male infertility, different
management strategies are used. The survey is intended to gather opinions from eminent
gynaecologists and obstetricians on the causes and management strategy of male infertility.
1. To research the root causes of infertility among patients.
2. To derive an unbiased approach about treatment strategies for male infertility.
3. To appraise the sperm testing investigations that are available.
4. To analyse the results obtained from the survey and address the topic of importance.